01 July 2007

Come into my parlour...

So it's a slow Sunday, and I'm just sort of fooling around, and noticed a spider had constructed a very nice web between the red lamp and the wall. A fly or two was buzzing around, so I swatted them with a cereal box (anyone want to come over for breakfast?), and then dropped them into the web. BAM, the spider went into action! I couldn't really see because all the action was on a very small scale, but the events unfolded like this: 1. Spiderellymae immediately secured the dead fly, wrapping it tightly with a few threads. 2. She then ran over to the still wiggling fly, and sat on it until it stopped moving. I can only assume she was either poisoning it or vacuuming out its insides--maybe both. 3. After a long time, she went back and secured the first dead fly even better, and then returned to sitting/sucking the (now) dead second fly. Five hours later, she is still sitting on the second fly, who is looking a bit paler than before. Does anyone know if she could possibly putting babies in the fly's body? My biological clock is ticking, and spider babies are better than nothing, I suppose.

Having just seen a couple of those Amazing Earth TV specials, I was inspired to film a highly-detailed stop-action sequence of photos and post it here. This is what I got instead. (My production budget is a little less than theirs). The small orange bit is Spiderellymae sitting on top of Fly #2. Over on the left is Fly #1.

My Nature-Boy act was inspired by my friend Jenny Winny Whiney, who documents the goings-on in her wilderness-esque front yard. I live in an apartment, so I don't get to see rabbits, turtles, etc. like she does. (I also don't have crazy cousins down the road!) Spiders and flies will have to do.

Oh, and the move to Mexico is still on, but I can't think about that today. I'll think about that tomorrow!


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