25 September 2010

I need to get out more...

So, because I've been living with three dogs for the last few months, and I've also been spending a lot of time at home (due to mysterious possible-intestinal parasites [and/or agoraphobia...but I can't think about that today...I'll think about that tomorrow.]) I've been thinking about poop a lot lately.  Mainly, how to scoop it out of the yard.  I've also been reading a lot of wiki-hows, so I'm going to share my technique for pooper-scooping the back yard.

First, you must have the proper tools.  I like the spring-loaded black jaws of poop.  I got the extra large one, mainly because I'm tall and I don't have to bend over to use it.

Then, you have to make a plan.  I like to divide the yard into segments, and then 'sweep' each segment as though I were using a lawn mower.  I walk the segment, casting my eyes from side to side in an arc just ahead of where I'm walking.  It keeps me from stepping in the poop, but also lets me scoop all the piles in my path.

A hint--look for the flies.  Many times the fresh stuff is covered with flies, which can draw your attention.  Another hint--if you find one poop pile, there are most likely others nearby.  I've found that (these dogs at least) like to poop near each other.  Maybe it's to cover each other's scent, or maybe they just like the company, but most of the time they'll create their own poop garden, which makes finding poop easier, but scooping more difficult.  You should be careful not to overfill the scooper, or it will all come falling out when you try to get that one last poop into the scoop.

So that's that.  I do need to get out more.

01 September 2010

Fall in the back yard.

Dogs in motion.

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