12 December 2007

I'm thankful for the Mexican Revolution, Part II

Oops, several days have passed since I wrote that last update, but I was looking at my cell phone today and found that I had recorded a video that I meant to post here. It's Amanda and me riding bicycles through the jungle at the ruins. Trés cool!

Now playing: Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond
via FoxyTunes

02 December 2007

I'm thankful for the Mexican Revolution....

One of the great things about working at a bi-cultural school is that we get to celebrate both sets of holidays. Case in point: This year, Mexican Revolution Day fell in the same week as Thanksgiving day, so we got a whole week of vacation! Jealous?

So Amanda (a teacher friend) and I set out for the Yucatan Peninsula, where we had grand plans to visit all kinds of important historical and cultural sites. Of course, once we got to the beach we stayed there most of the time. But wouldn't you?

We found these great cabanas on the beach, with everything we needed: hammock (I took a lot of pictures from the hammock), beach chairs, restaurant near, electricity, private bathroom.

The picture above is the little cabana! Cute, right? The one below is me in the hammock. Cute, right?

Mind you, we didn't lie around in hammocks all seven days. One day we went to see some piles of rocks, where they rent bicycles to you. You can pedal all through the jungle to see these very interesting (and some quite large) historical piles of rocks! (just kidding, J&G). You'll notice I'm practicing my favorite photo style: "Self Portrait with Other Stuff" In one, Amanda jumped in with the other stuff.

After a hot day of exploring the pyramids, we went swimming in the caves of the unknown. Yep, a cenote--an underground cave pool of deliciously cool fresh water.

All in all, it was a wonderful honeymoon: Here's a photo of the lovely couple at sunset:

To see the rest of the photos, please look around my NEW picasa albums! http://picasaweb.google.com/the.matt.itat

Now playing: Janet Jackson - Nasty Boys
via FoxyTunes

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