11 February 2008

For the differently abled...



So here you can see one of the many reasons I love Mexico--the wonderful attention to detail. The first picture shows the wheelchair accessible staircase. It is made wheelchair accessible by the addition of blue painted rails and the blue square with the wheelchair in it. Apparently we're supposed to just launch our friends in wheelchairs from the top step and hope they land safely at the bottom. (I assume this is the down-only staircase).

Then, someone with (just barely) more than half a brain noticed that this probably wasn't a good idea, so they changed the blue square with the wheelchair, and instead drew a nice picture of the (one and only) person at our school who walks with a cane. I'm sure she appreciates the railings, but probably not the portrait.

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1 Comment:

Jenny the Mighty said...

Dude! That is sooooooo perfectly Mexico! I LOVE it! I want to be there! I miss Mexico lindo y querido...
Go on... sing it for me and make everybody cry :)

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